Let’s say that you took an amazing photo. Now that you’ve printed it out, you want to get it framed. But how should you go about it? Sure, you could go to a crafts store and pick out a standard frame and call it a day, but will that really be the best solution? Custom...
Arts and Entertainment
Are Your Fully Prepared For Your Festival?
Everyone has been there. Hyper-excited and raring to get into the festival mindset. The sun is shining and you're on your way to your favorite festival in Rockland, NY, a time you look forward to every year. As you approach the main entrance, you realize you have left...

Giving Your Event The Ultimate ‘Wow’ Factor
Few things are more exciting than arriving at an event and being presented with a magnificent stage and all the features of an extravagant affair. Before any concert or huge gathering there is an air of excitement as the crew get to work, sometimes days in advance, to...
The Importance and Power of Professional Video Editing in Columbia Today
Putting together a great video production takes a lot more than shooting a surplus of excellent, compelling footage. Experts at Video Editing in Columbia insist that their art is every bit as important as those of the director and camera operator, and many others are...